Breakthrough in Barrow

Barrow-in-FurnessPastor Joe Hayes (right) of Emmanuel Church was one of the first to invite me to hold a healing weekend in his church without really knowing me. The miracles began on the Saturday evening before the meetings on the Sunday, when I sat with the key workers and leaders of the church and a lady received God’s healing power into her body as I was talking. This would become a feature of the ministry later. I shared my testimony in the morning service, and taught in the evening, and there were demonstrations of God’s power at both meetings, but especially at the 7.00pm service.

Those who could not bend, or walk, or have freedom of movement began to experience liberty because of the power of Jesus Christ. One man bound by severe panic attacks and unable to be in large crowds, gave his life to the Lord and was wonderfully delivered and has been able to attend the church ever since. I recall one young lady who was waiting for prayer for what must have been an hour or more and when I came to pray with her, the Spirit seemed to say to me “Stop. I have already healed her”. I asked her what was wrong with her, only to hear that the pain that had been in her shoulders had mysteriously vanished and she was healed, without receiving my prayers. Jesus had done it, just as He had for the lady the evening before.

There were certainly around a dozen healings at Barrow and my visit there concluded with the demonstration of the Spirit in the church administration office as His power came upon a lady’s troubled ears. Barrow was also important to me because I prayed for so many people and to hear story after story of their challenges and struggles touched my heart very deeply. I owe the compassion God gave me for the sick to that Sunday night in Barrow.

Praise God!

April 2006

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