
1. Pray for wars to cease. Far from being just the “wishful thinkers” prayer, the outbreak of military conflict always causes terrible long-term consequences and makes the preaching of the Gospel very difficult. Pray for peace. 1 Timothy 2:1-3

2. Pray for all leaders everywhere. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. Remember those who make the big decisions in spite of sometimes feeling quite inadequate: from the Prime Minister down to the struggling pastor on the brink of quitting. Hebrews 13:7,17

3. Pray for the family. Lots of people hate going home because it has become a place of pain and conflict. Pray that God will strengthen and shower His love upon every one of them and that they will learn to walk hand in hand through the front door with Him. Isaiah 61:1

4. Pray for addicts of every kind. Whether to the bottle, the bad temper, to debt or the dubious side of the net, pray that men and women will encounter the freedom of Christ in 2008. 1 Corinthians 6:12

5. Pray for those who grieve for loved ones. Weep with them too. When one part suffers we all suffer. May God put the solitary into families. Psalm 68:6

6. Pray for those seeking a new start in 2008, whether in employment, ministry or relationships. May there be no more spiritual and emotional cul-de-sacs. Pray that He who has the key will open the right door for them. Revelation 3:7

7. Pray for a renewal of love for Jesus Christ. What would our churches look like if everyone passionately loved the Lord with all of their heart? Not deacon-possessed, methinks. Mark 12:30

8. Pray for all those Christian women who come to church without their unsaved husbands. Ask God to work wonders and that “he really will come” to all those church barbeques, baptisms and other events and that the Spirit will truly open his eyes. May you worship Jesus Christ together at the Carol Service this year: united in Him. Acts 16:31

9. Pray for every evangelistic initiative in the coming year – whether multi-million pound projects, or the renewed zeal of a tiny housegroup to win souls – pray for wisdom and success upon every lifeboat that launches faithfully to rescue the perishing. Matthew 28:19

10. Finally, pray for all the people who hurt you in 2007 or even long ago. It is time to let it go and move on. Forgive them completely and pray that God will show you ways to be good to them, where possible, in 2008. Luke 6:26-27.

Prayer Magazine, 2007

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